Relieve Pain Through Nutritious Alternatives

Relieve Pain Through Nutritious Alternatives

Relieve Pain Through Nutritious Alternatives

Relieve Pain: The Healthy Way!

Relieve Pain

Pain tells us something about what’s going on in our bodies. But once we get the message, we don’t need a constant reminder! There are many over the counter drugs available for pain, but there are also many foods that have pain-relieving properties. Here is a list of some of the more prevalent foods and spices that help relieve pain and reduce inflammation:

Fruits & Vegetables

Relieve Pain - Raspberries

Raspberries – Its anthocyanins (the substance that gives it a reddish color) may reduce pain from inflammation.

Red Onions

Red Onions – High Quercetin levels help reduce inflammation, as well as its red-pigmented anthocyanins.

Red Grapes

Red Grapes – In addition to the antioxidant vitamin C, its anthocyanins and ellagitannins have anti-inflammatory properties.

Relieve Pain - Chili Peppers

Chili Peppers – The capsaicin (used in pain creams) may help with pain, although limited through ingestion.


Kale – Its sulforaphane may reduce swelling caused by inflammation. Make soup or juice it.

Relieve Pain - Green Cabbage

Cabbage – Its sulforaphane may reduce the pain associated with inflammation. Plus, it’s high in Vitamins C, K, and folate.



Salmon – Its Omega 3 fats may reduce pain due to inflammation. Also, a great source of protein and minerals.


Tuna – Its Omega 3 fatty acids aid inflammation. In addition, it’s a good source of protein and minerals.


Relieve Pain - Ginger

Ginger – Contains anti-inflammatory properties which may help reduce pain.


Turmeric – An iron rich spice containing curcumin that may also help inhibit inflammatory enzymes.


Relieve Pain - Coffee

Coffee – Occasional caffeine may help relieve pain, if you are not already drinking a lot of it!

Relieve Pain - Mint Tea

Mint Tea – It’s soothing and wintergreen tea may block pain signals.

Green Tea

Green Tea – its catechins can help reduce inflammation. And, it’s soothing!

Other Foods


Tofu – the isoflavones may also help inhibit inflammation.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil – it contains oleocanthal and may inhibit inflammatory enzymes.

So, before you reach for the pills, the next time you have a pain or any inflammation, try one or more of these foods & spices to find some relief!


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